Diploma in Pharmacy Course is very much popular in our country. The exam of this course held earlier and the exam was conducted by Bangladesh Pharmacy Council. So after the exam, you all are waiting for your Pharmacy Council result 2024. We have good news for you about your result. If you are a student of Diploma in Pharmacy course, then this article is for you. We are going to share all the updates of your result in this article. So let us now get started here.
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Pharmacy Council Result Date
Bangladesh Pharmacy Council result has been published on 3rd March 2024. So those who have participated in the Pharmacy Council exam earlier can now see your result. This exam is basically a Diploma in Pharmacy Course Exam. You all know that the exam was conducted by the Bangladesh Pharmacy Council. Bangladesh Pharmacy Council is controlled by the health service department of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
59 Pharmacy Council Of Bangladesh Result
It is very easy for all of you to get the Pharmacy Council result 2024. One of the best ways to get your result is getting it through the official website of the Bangladesh Pharmacy Council. You can also get your result from our website here. To get your result in the easiest way, you have to follow the following instructions carefully:
- At first, you have to visit the official website of – http://www.pcb.gov.bd/
- After visiting the site, you will see some menus. There you will also see an option called ‘পরীক্ষার তারিখ, তথ্য ও ফলাফল. From there, you have to click on ‘ডিপ্লোমা ইন ফার্মেসি পরীক্ষার ফলাফল’.
- Then after clicking on the option of the Result of Diploma-in-Pharmacy Course, Held in May 2024, you will get your result.
It is to mention that you will get the result as an organization-based result. So first, you need to find out your own institution. After that, you have to find out which year’s results you want to see there. According to the year, you need to click and see your Pharmacy Council result.
Bangladesh Pharmacy Council Result PDF
Along with the normal format of your Pharmacy Council result 2024, we are also going to provide you the PDF format of your result. So you will be able to download it and see it whenever you want. To get your result in the PDF format, you have to click on here.
বাংলাদেশ ফার্মেসি কাউন্সিল রেজাল্ট : ৫৯-তম ব্যাচ ফার্মেসী সার্টিফিকেট রেজিস্ট্রেশন কোর্সের ফলাফল
টাঙ্গাইল (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
ভৈরব (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
সাভার (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
শেরপুর (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
নেত্রকোনা (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
ময়মনসিংহ (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)
জামালপুর (৫৯-তম ব্যাচ)

Hopefully, you have got all the information and the easiest way of seeing your Pharmacy Council result. We always wish that you all make a good result in your exam.